2010 - 2011 : Tommy LINDAU (United Kingdom)

2000 PhD in Hand Surgery
1997 Specialist in Hand Surgery
1995 Diploma in Orthopaedic Surgery (The Swedish Orthopaedic Association)
1992 Specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery
1987 Authorization to practice (¨Bevis om legitimation¨)
1985 University medical degree (¨Läkarexamen¨)

Academic posts
2010-2011 President European Wrist Arthroscopy Society (EWAS)
2008-2010 Vice President European Wrist Arthroscopy Society (EWAS)
2008 Visiting Professor, University of Perugia, Italy
2006-present Assistant Professor at the University of Derby, UK
(Title: Visiting Fellow in Hand Surgery )

Academic assignment
2008-12-05 1st opponent Krukhaug dissertation, Univ of Bergen, Norway

PhD Doctoral thesis, Lund, Sweden 2000.
¨Distal radial fractures and effects of associated ligament injuries¨

1998 Award of excellence (Best oral presentation). The 4th IFSSH, Vancouver, Canada.
¨Chondral and ligament lesions in distal radial fractures in young adults. One year follow-up in 43 patients with arthroscopic diagnosis¨.
Lindau T, Aspenberg P, Adlercreutz C, Jonsson K, Hagberg L.

Editorial assignments
2009-present Strategies in Trauma and Limb Reconstruction
2006-present Acta Radiologica
2004-present Journal of Hand Surgery (Br/European)
2003-present Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research
2000-present Acta Orthopedica Scandinavica

Research projects
Local eg. Scapholunate lig. injuries. Review
National eg. Genetics in Dupuytren’s disease
Multinational eg. Collagenase (Auxillium) for Dupuytren’s disease
International eg. Intercarpal lig. injuries with 10y follow up.